Hello, I'm Zuzana Zitkova

Junior front-end developer, eager to immerse in the world of real coding, acquire new skills, and contribute as a valuable member of a team with a strong teamwork mindset

About me
find out more about me and my skills in terms of technology and programming

Find out more about me

As a front-end developer, I specialize in building websites and web applications while constantly generating new ideas and maintaining an open-minded approach. You're welcome to explore some of my work in the Projects section

My enthusiasm for learning is unwavering, as it enables me to become a better team player and offer support to others. Sharing the knowledge I've acquired with those who are still learning is a passion of mine

I am actively seeking Job opportunities where I can make meaningful contributions, continue my learning journey, and foster personal growth. If you have an opportunity that aligns with my skills and experience, please don't hesitate to contact me

My skills

Responsive design

Here you will find some of my personal projects that I created and still am improving

Travel website

The 'Travel to Paris' website is an example of a personal project I created using the front-end tools I'm familiar with. You can explore the entire website through the link below


Another one of my personal projects, the Dictionary website is a user-friendly platform where I utilized tools such as React, APIs, CSS, and more

Forecast Web App

Forecast is a small application where you can request a weather prediction for the next five days in any city you choose. I created this project to enhance my knowledge of using APIs and other tools

Portfolio Website

This is a portfolio website designed for photographers, featuring a gallery of photos and stylish, responsive design. The website is hosted on GitHub

Feel free to contact me by submitting the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible


